Architect Personality and Emotions

Architects are proud of their rationality and logic, and they prefer useful information to subjective social ideals. They are known for being confident and valuing careful thinking. Because of these traits, few other personality types can beat their effective decision-making skills.

But these strengths often hide a major difficulty that Architects can face. These personalities can struggle from a weak understanding of the role that emotions play in their lives. It’s not just their own emotions that can confuse Architects either – they can also struggle to deal with others’ feelings. Specifically, they may believe that showing one’s emotions signifies poor self-control and a lack of logic – two characteristics that Architects deeply dislike.

Architects may never be comfortable with experiencing or expressing emotions, but they can learn to channel them alongside their logic to help them achieve their goals. And, if they are able to see that emotions have a logic and purpose all their own, they are more likely to find balance in this area.

An Emotional Compass

Feelings are another aspect of their lives that Architect personalities look to control, and they do so using logic and reason. They may even falsely believe that they have no emotions; in reality, they often avoid acknowledging their feelings in an effort to keep them under control. Architects may even be proud of the (perceived) lack of influence that their emotions have in their lives.

“Answer me, you who believe that animals are only machines. Has nature arranged for this animal to have all the machinery of feelings only in order for it not to have any at all?”


To live a more well-balanced life, Architects must understand that there is strength in emotions. For example, they can take comfort in knowing that their long-term plans are founded on logic. When emotional situations arise that cause them to feel out of control, Analyst personality types in general – and Architects specifically – can look back on those goals for grounding and direction. Additionally, they can use those emotional situations to reassess their goals, and either move forward with renewed energy or adapt them, based on what feels the best.

Imagine an Architect personality is planning for retirement and has set up retirement-specific accounts, as well as additional savings, with an estimated timeline for using them. Suddenly, someone close to them passes away, and it hits them hard. The emotions this Architect experiences cause them to reevaluate their retirement goals. Maybe they want to spend more time with their family while they can, so they plan on working less now and accruing a little less in savings. Or, perhaps this Architect chooses to work more and increase their savings more rapidly right now, in order to ramp up reaching their goal and retire earlier. This way, they can spend more quality time with family, friends, or projects they’re passionate about sooner rather than later.

The point here is that emotions didn’t derail their goals. Rather, using emotions as a compass helped to clarify their goals.

A Bit about Relationships

Architects should take care not to look at emotional expression as a sign of weakness in others either. It may not be their preferred form of decision-making, but it is a tool that can be used just as effectively as logic in certain situations.

This is especially important for people with this personality type to keep in mind in their closest relationships. While intellectual intimacy may be an Architect’s primary focus, they aren’t doing themselves any favors by ignoring (or rejecting) emotional intimacy. The deepest, most meaningful relationships require a certain level of vulnerability, as well as loving affection, from both partners. Participating in this type of emotional exchange can result in deeper, longer-lasting connections that provide satisfaction to both parties.

Tweaking Your Toolbox

Consider the value of emotions as tools. They can provide awareness, insight, and direction when dealing with others or plotting your course in life. When understood and managed effectively, they are profoundly helpful. If ignored, however, they can rust and fail to help fix damaged situations or relationships. Architect personalities who use the power of their emotions to guide them instead of controlling them will lead much more fulfilling and fruitful lives.

Fortunately, emotions can be better understood and used more effectively with practice. There are numerous books (and numerous articles on our website) covering the topics of emotional intelligence and relationships that can be of help. Just being aware that emotions can, and do, influence your behaviors and actions is a fantastic first step – regardless of how you feel about this concept.

The following steps can help you make your emotions work for you (instead of against you):

  1. Identify a situation where you are struggling.

  2. Write down three to five words that describe your feelings about that situation.

  3. Turn those words into action plans.

As an Architect personality type, what “tools” do you think that you could add to your personal emotional toolbox to improve yourself and your relationships? Let us know your thoughts on this topic!

Further Reading

Emotional Intelligence and Analysts: Finding What Works

Why Should I Care?: An Architect Experiments with Empathy

Empathy Is Important Regardless of Your Type

Personality Type and Intense Emotional Reactions (Part Two)

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