Dream Side Hustles by Personality Type

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It’s easy to come up with excuses about why you don’t have a side hustle to earn some extra money. But what if money wasn’t the only thing at stake? A side hustle can be a chance to have fun and indulge in what you’ve always wished you could do for a living. The rewards could be greater than cash – like a sense of fulfillment. And if you get some money in the process, it’s all the sweeter.

Of course, your dream side hustle is going to be uniquely related to your personal skills and interests, not just your personality type. But that didn’t stop us from thinking up some side hustle ideas that fit each personality type, including yours. We’re sharing them with a wink, but they’re not necessarily jokes. They might be the seed of inspiration to get you hustling – and turning skills to dollar bills.

Analyst Personality Types

Architect (INTJ): Game Reviewer

Finding the flaws in anything is natural for Architects, and pointing them out can be enjoyable, especially with an appreciative audience. And if it’s done fairly and intelligently, that criticism can be useful to others – and valued. Whether it’s based on snark or humor, detailed and thoughtful reviews of games (whether video or tabletop, systems or modules) could earn these personalities a following – and great rewards.

Logician (INTP): Plasma Donator

Is that really a side hustle? It is if you want to help people but not necessarily be around many of them. Logicians often have grand ideas, but they aren’t always very motivated to follow through with structured action. Taking advantage of an existing structure to be productive – and maybe save a life – is awesome. Just play games on your phone, and enjoy the relaxation and chance to explore your own thoughts, sanguine in the idea of helping your community.

Commander (ENTJ): Fitness Trainer

Driven, outgoing, and goal-oriented, Commanders can provide others with the motivation to pursue their goals. And with their love of systems, these personality types would excel at designing customized workout routines and even nutritional programs for their clients. Their ambition to achieve the best possible results could really help others get where they want to be – plus they’d get paid to yell commands at people, which they’d love, in the right context.

Debater (ENTP): Dog Walker

You never know what you’re going to get when you take a bunch of dogs out for a walk, and the challenges could give Debater personality types quite a thrill. Their “bring it on” attitude and love for excitement could make random outdoor adventures with a bunch of furry friends an absolute joy – and highly profitable, with the right clients. And with their passion for deconstructing and understanding systems, they’d be able to figure out innovative approaches to animal care.

Diplomat Personality Types

Advocate (INFJ): Tutor

Thoughtful personal interests and a kind manner equip Advocates wonderfully to teach others. They don’t have to be experts – plenty of children (and adults) lag in many common academic subjects and could use a gentle boost. Being able to connect personally with a few individuals and help spur their learning and growth could be incredibly satisfying for these personality types. And it doesn’t have to be academics – it could be another ability, like music.

Mediator (INFP): ASMRtist

A gentle, private nature and vivid imagination make Mediator personality types well-suited to creating ASMR videos. (No, I’m not even joking.) Whether it’s a detailed role-play with costumes and digital backgrounds or just dual wielding a spray bottle and a hairbrush, this content genre is a playground of profitable innovation – all without leaving your room! Bonus idea: Share a strong personal skill (cooking, masonry, whatever) through a video in ASMR style.

Protagonist (ENFJ): Part-Time Bartender

The craft of mixology is a great way for Protagonist personalities to flex their creative inspiration, and the chance to connect with many people in a recreational context could be very satisfying for their social side. They’d also be great at bartending because their organized, energetic nature can keep things humming along – and that vibrant volume can create the tips to match. At the end of the day, any establishment would benefit from Protagonists’ considerate and responsible nature.

Campaigner (ENFP): Yoga Teacher

Such a flexible, effusive personality type could find a lot of joy – and success – helping other people limber up and strengthen themselves. With their curious and imaginative mindset, Campaigners could also find ways to make the experience unique and enjoyable for people, helping them stand out from the crowd and gain popularity. The chance to engage brightly and energetically with many people would make this type’s heart swell – and hopefully, their wallet.

Sentinel Personality Types

Logistician (ISTJ): Lawn and Yard Care

It might seem like a yawn, but light or entry-level landscaping maintenance is a ripe opportunity for these precise thinkers. For one thing, there are plenty of potential customers, and few competitors are likely to equal Logisticians’ methodical sense of perfection and efficiency. Crafting an elegant, orderly result can give them great satisfaction – and working alone can be its own meditative escape.

Defender (ISFJ): House Sitter

These warm personalities can leverage their dependable natures into some profitable side work by taking care of other people’s homes while they’re away. Being responsible and organized, Defenders might even run a household better than the owners and feel a bit self-satisfied at leaving things nicer than they found them. It might also be a fun chance to sample new neighborhoods in a low-key way – and take a peaceful mini-vacation from their own home life.

Executive (ESTJ): Personal Organizer

Messy or busy people will pay good money to have someone come tidy up their space or consult on how to manage and utilize their time and resources more efficiently. No personality type is better suited to creating and enacting organization with energy. Executives’ matter-of-fact practicality can help shake people out of their dysfunctional habits like a gust of fresh air that sweeps away debris. And being the one to make that change can be satisfying for Executives.

Consul (ESFJ): Wedding Planner

When exacting structure and schedules need to be respected yet tempered with compassion and warmth, call a Consul. Making people’s wedding dreams come true – and helping them survive the stress – can be a deeply rewarding side job for these personality types. And that can be in terms of both sharing in a family’s joy and getting paid handsomely for the beauty that they help create.

Explorer Personality Types

Virtuoso (ISTP): Freelance Repairperson

With their ingenuity and a little experience, these personalities excel at getting things fixed. As flexible, spontaneous individuals, they could slip in responsively where bigger companies seem sluggish (and too expensive). Whether it’s specialized repair of technology or a more general handyperson skill set, Virtuosos can share their hands-on prowess in their community – on a profitable hours and materials basis, of course.

Adventurer (ISFP): Recreation Reviewer

Pragmatic, honest reviews of trails, campgrounds, and other scenic natural attractions can be an invaluable resource that helps others not only decide what they want to do but also get the most out of the experience by knowing what they’re in for. With their love of novel experiences, Adventurers can be happy, self-motivated test subjects, using social media to monetize the knowledge that they gain and to benefit others. They can also branch out to more urban areas and recreational highlights as well.

Entrepreneur (ESTP): Rideshare Driver

No personality type is better equipped to master the fast-paced, randomly adventurous world of ridesharing work. Entrepreneurs can leap on opportunities as vigorously as they merge into traffic, always jockeying for the best position and rewards. And their durable social manner can handle the traffic of many people as well – they’ll enjoy the exchanges but won’t get caught up in needing to be liked by everyone.

Entertainer (ESFP): Matchmaker

Their socially energetic, fun-focused nature might make these personalities great hosts for singles events, group outings, and parties. They can plan engaging activities and personally lead the events, all the while with a subtle focus on bringing people together and helping develop connections. Entertainers love a lighthearted social environment, and being able to create that for others and help them mix and match could be a lot of fun – and a service that people will pay for.

Monetizing Your Value

One way to develop a side hustle is to offer people access to your skills or knowledge for a fee, perhaps by offering a service locally or starting your own channel. But you don’t necessarily need a lot of know-how – your personality type itself has value. You just need to find a niche where your nature is a good fit. That could mean trying something unusual or just an unfamiliar, conventional part-time job.

But if possible, try to see a side hustle as an opportunity to moonlight as something that brings you joy (maybe then, you’ll get up and do it) as well as some extra income. You might be able to experiment with roles that you hadn’t considered. If they don’t work out, gracefully exit and try something else. Side hustles aren’t just an additional little grind that you take on out of necessity – they can be a profitable playground of potential.

Further Reading

3 Behaviors of Successful Personality Types – That You Can Steal

Can Introverted Personality Types Excel in Retail Jobs?

How driven are you to succeed? Our Motivation and Ambition tests can tell you. (Premium resources.)

For serious, in-depth advice on careers, check out our Premium Profile for your personality type and our collection of Professional Development articles.