The Self-Promoting Entrepreneur
For an introductory look at self-promotion, please see our article “Everyday Self-Promotion and Personality Types.”
Entrepreneurs (ESTP) are probably the least risk-averse of all personality types. They are the type most likely to say that taking regular risks is worth it to them. Blend the adventurous Extraverted trait, the dispassionate Observant and Thinking trait combination, and the ever-scanning mindset that comes with the Prospecting trait, and it’s likely that chances are going to be taken. Entrepreneurs will gravitate toward novelty and opportunity. Depending on the company and the people they are marketing themselves to, this can be very attractive or very threatening. But if an Entrepreneur’s risk-taking threatens an organization, then it’s probably not the right place for them to work anyway.
What They Have Going for Them
Their natural boldness, boosted by their Extraverted tendencies, makes Entrepreneurs outstanding self-promoters. They aren’t afraid to take risks, which means that they may be less afraid to tell the real story as opposed to curating their self-promotion. This is, in turn, the very definition of “honesty.” If someone promoting or hiring believes that they are dealing with a brutally honest Entrepreneur, they may look upon them favorably.
What Gets in Their Way
Of course, the flip side of “What They Have Going for Them” is that their boldness may also give them the courage to exaggerate. They can be impulsive and are among the personality types least likely to say they never deceive anyone. And they are slightly more likely than average to say honesty is not the most important guiding principle. That isn’t to say that Entrepreneurs are dishonest by nature. Still, an exaggeration or two might slip out when talking about their past endeavors, and as discussed in the introduction to this series, exaggeration can be problematic. Remember: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Self-Promotion Tip
Giving self-promotion tips to Entrepreneurs is like giving magic tips to Houdini. The obvious tip for you, Entrepreneur, is to use your tolerance for taking risks for good rather than evil. In other words, when it comes to boldness, err on the side of boldly telling the unvarnished and courageous truth rather than exaggerating your exploits. Also, you know your audience. Your type of energy may not translate well to some less adventurous businesses. Otherwise, you likely already have this self-promotion thing handled.
Carrying the Excitement with Them
Entrepreneurs carry an almost intangible quality with them all the time. There’s an energetic curiosity connected with this personality type. When it’s time to try something that holds potential, they are more likely than most personality types to dive in rather than spend a lot of time deliberating. This typically creates an aura of forward motion around Entrepreneurs. If, as part of their self-promotion, Entrepreneurs can tap into that energy and share it with others, the level of excitement can be contagious. The right decision-maker can find this energy extremely compelling.
So, Entrepreneur, it’s your turn. We’d love it if you told us your view of self-promotion. Does it work, or is there a better way to draw attention to your talents and skills? What has worked best for you?
Further Reading
- Motivating Workplace Heroes Using Personality Types
- Workplace Weaknesses: 16 Flaws Each Personality Type May Unknowingly Show
- Rebellious Rogues: How Debater (ENTP) and Entrepreneur (ESTP) Personality Types Make Great Work Buddies
- Check out our premium Entrepreneur Career Guide & Tests for more on achieving your version of professional success.