How Do Different Personality Types Interpret Vibes and Energy?

Investigating how the 16 personality types regard energy makes me wonder, What’s the definition of “energy,” here? I’m no stranger to spirituality and metaphysics, but I also try to separate facts from beliefs – while valuing both. You could say I’ve got a teeny Mulder on one shoulder, and a wee Scully on the other.

“The human brain has capabilities, which science has yet to explain, that tie us into mystical forces of the universe, conveying information and energy between people on psychic and spiritual levels,” says Little Mulder in boyish wonderment. “Human brains have evolved to be sensitive to subtle forms of communication, including body language, facial expressions, pheromones, and vocal inflection, allowing subconscious insight that’s often misinterpreted as something mystical,” Little Scully replies, patiently.

Whether you view it through a lens of science or something else, the energy felt by and between people is a big part of life, and our “Vibes/Energy” survey explores how that relates to the personality types. Are some personalities more sensitive to energy, better able to transmit it, or simply more likely to believe? Let’s dive deep into the responses and make up our own minds, eh? (Insert “the truth is out there” joke.)

Vibes and Energy

Do you notice the energy of a room when you walk in?

Feeling personalities are more likely to agree, probably relating to their tendency to prioritize emotion in their personal perceptions. How those in a room might feel (and the feelings that they create) are common points of interest to these personalities.

Those with the Intuitive trait are also more likely to agree, possibly because they like to seek hidden meaning in all things – sometimes with a dose of imagination in the mix. That’s a good recipe for the perception of intangible things like energy. And Extraverts’ somewhat higher agreement rate may reflect how they’re more likely to frequently look for engagement outside themselves, compared to Introverts.

If you add all that up, you get Protagonists (ENFJs) with the highest agreement rate (97%) and Virtuosos (ISTPs) with the lowest (67%). Both personality types are likely to notice the energy in a room, but the differential is notable.

How often do you make a conscious effort to put out a certain kind of energy?

Thinking versus Feeling personalities’ responses to the same question, below.

Diplomats (and barely a majority of Sentinels) agree and apparently take action to combat certain energies. We can assume that they want to avoid negative things, but hey, shadow work is valuable, right? (Side note: What’s your favorite tool to cleanse your space, and why is it sage?)

Do you do anything to clear/cleanse yourself of certain kinds of energy?

Analysts and Explorers seem roughly neutral. But hey – check out the preponderance of internal versus external techniques for cleansing oneself. (Should we ditch the sage, and go within?)

How in tune with other people’s energy are you?

Assertive/Turbulent Identity, as seen in the Strategy groups based on those traits. Constant Improvement (Introverted, Turbulent) personalities are more likely to say they easily perceive negative energy, and People Mastery (Extraverted, Assertive) personalities are least likely to say so. But why?

For one thing, Introverts are generally more sensitive to external stimuli – social interaction tends to wear them out faster than Extraverts, for example. Any external intrusion into Introverts’ inner world may feel negative to some degree. That may also be true of energy emanating from other people, as it could feel like a form of social pressure. Wait, hang on – the Lilliputian FBI agents on my shoulders are piping up.

“Turbulent personalities are more likely to be pessimistic, worried, and doubting,” says Mini Mulder. “That can tune them to negative energies like an antenna, heightening their awareness and sensitivity to the darker elements around them.” But I hear rustling from Small Scully, too: “Because Turbulent personalities are more prone to pessimistic thinking, they have a perception bias that makes everything seem more negative than it is. It’s basic psychology, Mulder.” Interesting points. Let’s move on.

What kind of energy affects you more intensely?

negativity bias and point out that negative effects tend to feel more intense than positive ones, as a general rule.

Do you usually try to match other people’s energy or preserve your own?

Social Engagement (Extraverted, Turbulent) group are most likely to try to match other people’s energy, albeit barely a majority. These personalities are often more inclined to engage with others and to be concerned with the responses – or energy – that they get in return. Confident Individualist (Introverted, Assertive) personality types, on the other hand, apparently do here what they often do elsewhere in life – keep that which is within themselves to themselves. (Contrasting trait influences moderate the responses of those in the Constant Improvement and People Mastery Strategies.)

Overall, a slight majority of all people indicate that they try to preserve their own energy. Perhaps they’ve decided what vibe works best for them and prefer to keep it that way. Personalities with the Thinking trait (68%) are especially more likely to say they try to preserve their own energy, compared to those with the Feeling trait (47%). Which individual types are most extreme? Well, 60% of Campaigners (ENFPs) say they try to match others’ energy, versus just 22% of Logisticians (ISTJs). Those ISTJs have very specific internal ideals, eh?

Are you often unaware of the source of the energy that you sense?

Commanders (ENTJs) (32%) and Protagonists (29%) on the low end, and Logicians (INTPs) (50%) and Virtuosos (54%) on the upper end, which in this case is roughly neutral, to be fair. The types least likely to feel unaware are among the most decisive-minded, and the ones most likely to say they’re unaware are among the most flexible-minded. One might wonder whether the difference here is a matter of awareness or certainty in one’s own awareness. Perhaps both.

Do you typically feel the energy of everyone equally – no matter your relationship?

remote viewing? Should I get back on topic? I am feeling some “yes” energy from you…)

Does the energy of others have a major effect on your energy?

ayahuasca experiment.”

Do you think your reaction to the energy around you is more physical, psychological, or spiritual?

Architects (INTJs) say energy is less important, versus just 7% of Campaigners and 6% of Advocates (INFJs). The type most likely to say energy is more important? Why, that’s Advocates as well – but only 22%.

Final Thoughts

It seems that while there are trait-related differences in how people interpret and regard energy, most are aware of the vibes around them and in others. Such awareness might be a good thing, regardless of whether one believes that it’s achieved through physical or metaphysical means. Whether we’re friendly, standoffish, doubtful, or hopeful about people, reading their energy can help us navigate the social side of life.

As for the more mystical trappings of energy interpretation, some may be skeptical and some may believe. But there’s a middle ground and, perhaps, a pragmatic perspective to be found. Belief in the mystical may serve a beneficial function – take the idea of cleansing oneself of negative energy, for example.

Healing effects are valuable, whether they stem from a spiritual practice, like a cleansing ritual, or one more rooted in science, like an internal exercise that you might learn through traditional psychotherapy. If something truly helps you, does it really matter what it’s based on? The answer may depend on what you believe. (I’ve got tiny Mulder and Scully to rely on.)

Further Reading

Skepticism and Belief and How Personality Traits Affect Both

7 Ways to Practice Being an “Un-Complainer”

When Criticism Gets Personal

Are You a Mulder or a Scully?

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