The Self-Promoting Mediator
For an introductory look at self-promotion, please see our article “Everyday Self-Promotion and Personality Types.”
Mediators (INFPs) are warm and sensitive people. But they often need to start their self-promotion by looking in the mirror. They can sometimes struggle with self-esteem issues to a greater extent than most personality types. If one has self-doubts, it can be hard to talk about one’s strengths. The first step to self-promotion for some Mediators may involve gaining more confidence in the product that they’re selling: themselves.
Let’s start that confidence building now. Sensitive people are often in touch with the things that are important in a way that less sensitive people aren’t. This can be a superpower that is well worth publicizing. Now, Mediator, it’s your turn. Before continuing this article, you might want to list five unique things that you bring to the table at work.
What Mediators Have Going for Them
Mediator personalities want to be genuine. They will likely balance any self-promotion with humility – being aware, as we all should be, that they make mistakes and that their work is not perfect. This may sound counterproductive when talking about self-promotion. Still, it can greatly increase Mediators’ reputation for being real. With this reputation, any information that they offer about their value or work will likely be taken seriously and accepted as fact.
What Gets in Their Way
For authenticity, Mediators will want the whole process of self-promotion to feel very organic and to be woven into their daily work life. They may feel that anything more than what is self-evident is “putting on a show.” But self-promotion, by definition, is a spotlight that a person shines on their stories to separate them from the crowd. So, we applaud the organic approach and advise you to self-promote in that fashion when possible. Still, there may be times when Mediator personalities must dig deep and access their inner entertainer or presenter.
Self-Promotion Tip
The trick among Mediators interested in self-promoting is to balance organicity with a little intentional showmanship. (My spellchecker is not allowing “showpersonship,” but that’s what is intended.) And when we say “showmanship,” it doesn’t have to be flashy. It can be subtle enough to allow yourself comfort yet impactful enough to help you stand out. Mediator personality types might keep their managers apprised of their progress and activities using the art of informal, in-person storytelling rather than a formal report. Be ready with a good story about your success the next time that you are alone with your manager in the lunchroom or elevator. It’s not bragging if it’s true and couched in genuine humility, with generous mention of the others involved.
Taking Genuine to the Next Step
Mediator personalities love authenticity. They look for it in themselves, and they look for it in others. This positive regard for being genuine is gold when it comes to self-promoting. Being believable is essential to persuading someone to take your work seriously. When Mediators get past their self-doubt and simply tell the truth about their good work, they are naturally self-promoting. Here’s the question to ask yourself before any self-promoting activity, Mediator: What is the truth that you need to tell the decision-makers at your job about your work?
We’d love it if you took a moment and told us some of your truths about self-promotion. How do you feel about self-promotion? When you’ve done it, what has worked for you, and what hasn’t? If you were to give yourself a grade for self-promotion, like in school, what would it be?