There is a fine line between a protest and a riot, and sometimes, it is a line that we draw in our own minds. And although we probably find more merit in some grievances than others, it may be the case that we have a natural tendency to be attracted to or repulsed by the very act of protest.
Might our individual personality differences explain why we feel the way we do about protesters? To find out, we asked our readers whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “You sympathize with protest movements.”
As a group, our readers were fairly neutral, with 54% agreeing that they sympathize with protesters. The Energy and Nature aspects were the most influential factors in their responses, which may not come as a surprise, since these are the aspects that determine how we see the world and deal with emotions. Those with the Intuitive trait were 17% more likely than those with the Observant trait to agree with our research statement, and those with the Feeling trait were 12% more likely than those with the Thinking trait. Which personality types are most supportive of protest movements, and which tend to remain unswayed by them? We take a look below.
Diplomats (70% agreeing)
Though their compulsion for harmony may make some Diplomat personalities reluctant to embrace the conflict embodied by a protest movement, more often than not, they find their sympathies pulled inexorably in the direction of people crying out for justice. As Intuitive and Feeling types, Diplomats are often focused on possibilities for a better future, and they let their emotions guide them as to how to achieve it. Idealists to the core, Diplomats are naturally drawn to protest movements – but the specific cause or demands of a protest actually might not matter as much to them as the simple fact that so many others feel discontented and have found the means to express it.
Of all the personality types, Turbulent Mediators (INFP-T) were the most likely to feel sympathy for protesters (75%). The compassion that Mediators feel for the oppressed knows no bounds, and they may be particularly drawn to the idea of protest as the “voice of the voiceless.” Even when Mediators agree in spirit with the aims of protesters, however, they may shy away from more aggressive or violent actions, preferring to sit such demonstrations out or to engage in more peaceable protests, such as candlelight vigils.
Analysts and Explorers (56% and 52%)
For Analysts and Explorers alike, the concept of protest may be a divisive one. As Intuitive personality types, Analysts are more open than Explorers to supporting protesters, but their Thinking trait makes them much more skeptical than the Feeling Diplomats. Although the sight of people taking direct action against something unfair and the creative energy behind protests appeal to Analysts’ unconventional side, these types may question the utility of protest. Can such activity ever truly effect meaningful change? Analysts’ logical and strategic instincts may tell them no. Architects (INTJ), the most strategic thinkers of the group, were the least likely Analysts to sympathize with protesters (55%).
Explorers, with their dominant Observant trait, were even less disposed to support protest movements, although their responses were somewhat divided between Feeling personality types – Adventurers (ISFP) and Entertainers (ESFP) (56% each) – and Thinking types – Entrepreneurs (ESTP) (42%) and Virtuosos (ISTP) (41%). Down-to-earth and pragmatic, Explorers are more likely to accept things as they are, but the more emotional Adventurers and Entertainers may nevertheless experience a vicarious thrill from seeing protesters on the march. They may even jump in at times, but, being less invested in the ideals behind the protest, their enthusiasm may wane over the long haul.
Sentinels (46%)
While Sentinels have a natural tendency to favor the very establishment that protesters rebel against, there are some exceptions to this rule. Indeed, certain Sentinel personalities may see themselves as an organizing force within a protest movement, shaping what would be nothing more than a chaotic rabble into an entity with a unified purpose. Sentinels, and particularly the very loyal Defenders (ISFJ) (50%), are even more likely to back protesters if their own loved ones are among those involved in the movement.
Assertive Executives (ESTJ-A) were the least likely of all personality types to agree with our research statement (35%). Staunch advocates of order and the belief that hard work and patience will eventually be rewarded, Executives may have nothing but contempt for protesters, even in situations where they might otherwise agree with their goals. Rather than revolting against the system, Executives who want to see change would prefer the slower – but far less disruptive – route of becoming a part of the system and instituting reforms from within.
Social Engagement and Constant Improvement (62% each agreeing)
The Identity aspect was another influential force in whether our readers agreed with the statement, “You sympathize with protest movements.” Turbulent personality types, who belong to the Social Engagement and Constant Improvement Strategies, were 11% more likely to agree than those with Assertive Identities. Inertia is anathema to Turbulent individuals, whose continual critiquing of and tinkering with their own lives may extend to a desire to correct more sweeping social problems. For perfectionistic Social Engagers and Constant Improvers, there is always room to do better, making these personalities instinctively ready to side with those who appear to be pushing for change, rather than those who are working to maintain the status quo.
Interestingly, although you might expect the Extraverted, socially oriented Social Engagers to be even more supportive of protest movements than the Introverted, inwardly focused Constant Improvers, the Mind aspect had little influence over our readers’ responses, with Extraverted personality types being just slightly less in agreement than Introverted ones (57% and 58%, respectively).
People Mastery and Confident Individualism (52% and 50%)
The neutral responses of the Assertive types belonging to the People Mastery and Confident Individualism Strategies may indicate that protest itself does not appeal to them, but neither does it strike them as particularly abhorrent. Both People Masters and Confident Individualists value the individual; People Masters prefer to take leadership roles in social situations, and Confident Individualists prefer to rely on themselves, rather than go along with the crowd. The masses of people and “mob mentality” that can characterize protest movements may turn many of these personality types off. Assertive individuals might side with protests that appear to have definite ends with which they agree, but they’re less likely to feel sympathy for those that do not.
Protest, although it has been known to provoke social change, may be rooted more in an emotional response to adversity than a tactical one. Often, it is a weapon of last resort, used only when ordinary routes of achieving change have been exhausted – or when they were never really present to begin with. As such, those who most readily sympathize with protesters may be those who believe that the anger they feel is better expressed than repressed.
Thus, types such as Diplomats and Turbulent personalities may prefer to give protesters the benefit of the doubt, assuming that anyone willing to accept the inherent risks of becoming involved in a protest movement must have some legitimacy to their cause. Sentinels and Assertive personality types, by contrast, may be more skeptical, perhaps believing that social disruption must be justified by more than mere passion and that there are more effective ways to bring about change.
Are you more inclined to embrace protest movements or to reject them? Let us know in the comments!