The Spookiest Careers for Every Personality Type

Here at 16Personalities, people often ask us about the best job for their personality type. And while there’s no single answer to that question, we’ve spent years curating career ideas and advice for every type.

But now, as Halloween approaches and visions of pumpkins and werewolves dance around our heads, it’s time for us to take our career counseling in a spooky (and yes, slightly silly) new direction.

So, for those of you who are all about haunted houses and candy corn (and those of you who aren’t… We’re looking at you, Architects), here’s our rundown of the best Halloween-themed career for each personality type.

Analyst Personality Types

Architect (INTJ): Halloween Security Consultant

Some people aren’t into the whole Halloween thing – and Architects get that. With their flair for innovation and their systematic minds, these personalities have all the skills necessary to make sure that your home is 100% impervious to pesky pranksters or tiresome trick-or-treaters.

Logician (INTP): Otherworldly Portal Developer

Logicians are famous for their curiosity about all sorts of strange things – and what’s stranger than a portal to another world? We can totally imagine this personality type creating a bridge to another dimension. Of course, because Logicians’ interests tend to shift and change regularly, there’s always a chance that they might forget to shut that bridge down…

Commander (ENTJ): Zombie Hunter/Rehabilitator

Confident, rational, and determined, Commanders have what it takes to excel as zombie hunters. But what really sets this personality type apart is their ability to, well, command. So if anyone could turn zombies into productive, hardworking members of society, it would be Commanders.

Debater (ENTP): Devil’s Advocate

Debaters love a good argument, and they’re known for taking on contrarian points of view just for fun – which is why we so often refer to them as “devil’s advocates.” But on the off chance that you’re an actual devil who needs a good advocate, you should probably consider hiring a Debater.

Diplomat Personality Types

Advocate (INFJ): Ghost Story Writer

Beneath their quiet, understated exteriors, Advocates thrum with imagination and creativity. These personalities tend to love reading and writing, and they have a fascination with human nature – including human nature’s darker side. Maybe that’s why it’s so easy to imagine Advocates coming up with spine-tingling tales of suspense and intrigue.

Mediator (INFP): Séance Leader

Mediators can be reserved, but their warmth and empathy enable them to connect with all sorts of people. So who’s to say that this personality type wouldn’t be able to connect with, you know, misunderstood spirits from the other side?

Protagonist (ENFJ): Ghost Adoption Advocate

Tolerant and altruistic, Protagonists are exactly the right personalities to remind us that ghosts are people too. They could use their social skills and their do-gooder determination to help friendly, displaced ghosts find loving new homes.

Campaigner (ENFP): Candy Taste Tester

This good-natured personality type is always ready to lift your spirits – even when the ghost you just adopted spills red wine on your carpet. In short, Campaigners are pretty sweet, and we bet they’d get a kick out of ensuring that the candy we eat on Halloween is as scrumptious as it can be.

Sentinel Personality Types

Logistician (ISTJ): Air Traffic Controller

Between witches on broomsticks and swarms of ghouls, the friendly skies can get pretty full on Halloween night. Clearheaded, detail-oriented Logisticians have a talent for making order out of chaos, and they’re the perfect personality type to help supernatural beings travel safely by air.

Defender (ISFJ): Witches’ Brew Recipe Tester

Recipe testers need to be careful, methodical, consistent, and thoughtful – qualities that Defenders have in spades. So when you need to know exactly how much eye of newt or toe of frog your recipe requires, this is most definitely the personality type to consult.

Executive (ESTJ): Vampire Investment Advisor

Word on the street is that vampires live for hundreds or even thousands of years – and you thought you had to save for retirement. Known for giving logical, well-considered advice, Executives are more than capable of helping vampires and other members of the undead with their unique investment needs.

Consul (ESFJ): Halloween Decor Specialist

Holidays tend to make Consuls light up. These personalities love bringing people together and making the world a bit more festive. So if your home is feeling a bit blah this Halloween season, a Consul might be just the right person to help you kick up your orange and black decor a few notches.

Explorer Personality Types

Virtuoso (ISTP): Special Effects Developer

Virtuosos love tinkering with things, and it’s easy to imagine them being the masterminds behind the pranks and pyrotechnics that make haunted houses so scary. With their wonderfully dry sense of humor, they might also find it fun to come up with unexpected ways to spook people.

Adventurer (ISFP): Costume Designer

Creative and hands-on, Adventurers are just the people you want in your corner when you need to turn a costume idea into reality. Even better: this personality type is known for being open-minded, so whether you want to dress up as Marie Antoinette, a Gila monster, or a block of Swiss cheese, Adventurers (probably) won’t judge you.

Entrepreneur (ESTP): Ghostbuster

Entrepreneurs love adventure, surprises, and the unknown. For them, a bit of risk is what makes life worth living. It’s hard to imagine them turning down the opportunity to spar with an evil spirit – even if they aren’t armed with a proton pack.

Entertainer (ESFP): Haunted House Creator

Entertainers have a flair for the dramatic, and they are among the world’s best hosts. Creating a haunted house is exactly the sort of endeavor that would capitalize on Entertainers’ creativity and adaptability – not to mention their impeccable style.


For those of you who are struggling to find a career path that’s right for you, we hope that these offbeat ideas brought a jack-o’-lantern’s smile to your face. Tell us in the comments: What spooky career speaks to you?

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