Venturesome Vocations: Explorer Personality Types and Career Compatibility (Part I)

The Puzzle of Career Compatibility

As Explorer personality types think about venturing out into the working world, they may wonder which particular career is best for them.

With so many options out there, the answer may require some exploration. Some careers earn lots of money, but that’s not the only consideration for these types. Enjoying their work is particularly important for Explorers to maintain their energy and commitment to a job.

Compatibility can be the key to this fulfillment and happiness. So to help your decision process, we’ll discuss how Explorer personality types fit into various careers. And, we’ll look at some workplace elements that are less likely to appeal to each Explorer type.

Your career will evolve and your goals may change over time as you learn and grow. That’s a good thing. But keeping a direction in mind can be a big help in your career. If you have solid goals you believe in, you’re much more likely to be successful.

Explorer personality types are very adaptable, no matter what job they’re in. But this article isn’t about shouldering a burden of necessity – it’s about finding a career that keeps you interested and happy.

Weighing job compatibility is wise, but you can certainly stay open to any career that calls to you strongly. In fact, some people find great fulfillment in careers that seem odd for their personality type.

Little Pieces Make the Big Picture

In the working world, minor things can have a powerful effect. What Explorers bring to their work isn’t the same as what they experience at work. Compatibility in one of these areas can make up for incompatibility in the other.

For example, Explorers tend to seek out and enjoy new things, easily bored with the same old routine. Sentinels, on the other hand, value stability and predictability. If anything, routine helps them achieve their best. So, which of these personality types would make a better salesperson?

An Explorer might seem ideal, as frequently adapting to new places and people can keep their job feeling fresh and exciting, giving them motivation. But demanding details and follow-through procedures may seem confining or distracting. Their focus on the “next thing” may make it hard to enjoy or excel at the repetitious elements of their sales work.

In contrast, a Sentinel might not find as much excitement in searching out new opportunities, but they’d be likely to build a reputation for reliability and attention to detail. Neither type necessarily makes a “better” salesperson. However a career may seem to overtly match a personality type, nuances of the job can have a profound effect on compatibility.

So, we’ll not only help Explorers consider the broad compatibilities of various careers, we’ll also explain some job aspects that might require a careful approach.

Let’s think about how you might fit into the working world.

What Is the Shape of an Explorer’s Career?

Explorer personality types connect with the moment while staying open to new potentials. They usually do their best work by following their inclinations, diving into activities, and adapting as they go. For these personality types, a happy and satisfying career is usually one where they have some freedom to experiment with new challenges and methods.

While having such similarities, Explorers also have some notable trait-related differences from each other. If you’re an Explorer planning for a career, it might be helpful to first think about what your ideal way of engaging in the working world might look like. Consider which of these three rough categories best describes your professional ideal:

  • Working with people. For some Explorers, work that is people-focused can bring a sense of enjoyment. If you especially value time spent with others, careers and workplaces that include lots of social interaction can sustain your enthusiasm.
  • Working with systems. Many Explorers are deeply attracted to technical challenges. If you find such things more interesting than social interaction, jobs that let you focus on real-world mechanics can be very satisfying.
  • Finding a personal path. Some Explorers may have a strong personal passion or interest. Job roles and workplaces that involve work along similar lines can be a good fit. Whether it’s applying or developing your skills, pursuing personal goals can be exhilarating.

Specific jobs may be more (or less) compatible with one of the above goals, but any broad career area can be approached in a specific style. Let’s think about how three different Explorers, one in each of the above categories, might approach a career as a consultant:

  • The first might want to “work with people” in ways that make their lives better. Backed with appropriate training, consulting on anything from workplace ergonomics to beauty and fashion could create profitable, beneficial interactions with many new people.
  • The second might want to “work with systems” by reviewing mechanical or electrical constructs, or technical practices and procedures. Anything from agricultural consulting to UX design to home renovations could offer an enjoyable chance to apply technological creativity.
  • The third might want to “find a personal path” by independently marketing their skills in their personal area of focus. If health and diet is their passion, they could consult with clients on sports nutrition, possibly through a local gym or athletic organization.

It’s wise to consider not only what you would like to do, but also a real-world context for your goals. Considering where they fit in the above categories can help you narrow down the options.

Let’s look at some careers that can nicely match the qualities of Explorer personality types.

Work Fit, for Explorers

We’ll start with the broad truths of career “fit.” Considering their traits, Explorer personality types are likely to feel compatible with the following career areas. These ideas are not meant to limit your choices, but to offer some direction and inspiration.

No general list can be a perfect match for every individual. But our suggestions are based on personality type research, so look them over with an open mind.

Physical Education

Explorers who have significant physical skill can use their ability to train others. Personal pursuit of mastery is a great basis to help others develop their abilities and can be a lot of fun.

Being a physical educator can take different forms:

  • College or high school sports coach
  • Assistant coach
  • PE teacher
  • Independent (specific) sport instructor
  • Professional athlete
  • Yoga teacher
  • Personal trainer

Public Service

Applying a hands-on approach to make things better is an Explorer specialty. Job roles that let them use their skills and adaptability to bring about useful real-world results can be very satisfying to these personality types.

Career paths here include:

  • Reporter/journalist
  • Disaster relief/emergency management
  • Charity worker
  • Political campaign worker
  • Foreign aid worker
  • Police officer
  • Emergency responder (fire, EMT)
  • Dispatcher (emergency aid, etc.)

Service Work

Delivering services to other people is a very broad area and offers wide variance that can hold Explorers’ attention over time. The challenges can be great, but opportunities abound, and such work is rarely routine.

Service work can take many forms. Here are just a few:

  • Server
  • Tour/museum guide
  • Event coordinator
  • Cosmetician
  • Customer service
  • Pet care provider
  • Animal trainer
  • Service technician
  • Stylist


Many lucrative professions involve practical systems and activities. Whether it’s building, maintaining, or repairing, Explorers’ willingness to experiment and adapt can help them manage the infrastructure of society. Many of these skilled jobs could also become personal small businesses, or an adept Explorer could become an instructor.

Some examples include:

  • Machinist
  • HVAC technician
  • Landscaper
  • Builder
  • Electrician
  • Automotive technician
  • Telecommunication technician
  • Public works technician
  • Mason
  • Ironworker
  • Welder
  • Equipment operator
  • Painter
  • Plumber


Explorer personalities’ openness to change can help them stay on the cutting edge of competitive professional environments. Their readiness to engage challenges and master key skills can distinguish them from more complacent, conventional people.

Some examples include:

  • Consultant (specific to expertise)
  • Market investor
  • Administrative assistant
  • Retail commerce
  • Logistics manager/agent
  • Salesperson
  • Negotiator
  • Advertising
  • Public relations
  • Real estate agent
  • Purchasing agent

Creative Arts

Explorers are known for their pet projects and personal mastery of skills. If whatever drives them can be marketed profitably, the results can be thrilling. And as with any skilled trade or craft, Explorers who achieve a high level of ability can become teachers, either in a formal setting or as independent instructors.

Some common areas for artistic expression include:

  • Actor
  • Singer
  • Material artist/sculptor
  • Graphic designer
  • Music producer
  • Musician
  • Painter
  • Interior designer
  • Photographer
  • Dancer

Health and Medicine

Explorers interested in taking on either technical or human problems can consider this complex and varied world. Positions that frequently offer new challenges may be especially appealing.

Some career choices here include:

  • Crisis intervention worker
  • Veterinarian
  • Physician
  • Physician’s assistant
  • Physical therapist
  • Medical or pharmacy technician
  • Midwife/doula
  • Massage therapist
  • Community health worker
  • Dietitian
  • ER doctor/nurse
  • Chiropractor

All these jobs can make good use of Explorer personality types’ typical strengths and tendencies, while also supporting their preferences.

In the second part of this article, we’ll look at some job facets that might not be such a good fit for these types. We hope you’ll join us again as we uncover more pieces of the puzzle of career compatibility.

And hey – if your job is a great match for your personality type, we’d love to hear why. Would it be a good match for others of your personality type? Share your inspiring experience in the comments below!

Further Reading

Venturesome Vocations: Explorer Personality Types and Career Compatibility (Part II)

How to Survive Your First Day on a New Job, by Personality Type

Creative Personality Traits

I’m Gonna Risk It: Impulsiveness by Personality Type

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