Which Personality Types Make Great Influencers?

Influence is all around us, coming in the forms of word-of-mouth recommendations, pervasive social norms, and everything in between. And the people behind this influence don’t all look the same. There are philosophers and thought leaders, grassroots activists, traditional authority figures, and conventionally attractive celebrities and athletes. Each type of influential figure offers something of their own to society. And, really, any type of person could be influential in their own way. Even small, everyday actions can influence the way that others feel and think.

And Extraverted personality type speaking into a bullhorn.

We see this more today than ever before with the rise of the online influencer. Anyone anywhere can influence the opinions of others through social media content. What people wear, the causes that they support, and the products that they stock up on can all be the result of online influence. And all of this has made the role of influencer a popular – and potentially lucrative – career aspiration, especially for today’s rising generation.

But this new class of influencers looks a little different from those who came before them. The influencers leading the pack now have a few key qualities that set them apart, and some personality types may be especially well suited to influencing others through their internet fame.

Extraverted and Engaging

Lively, outspoken, eager to connect with an audience – these are characteristics that have long been necessary for influential leaders to possess. And they’re still important for today’s influencers too. Social media influencers may be able to hide behind a screen, but their impact depends on their social skills and ability to engage with their followers. These strengths are often correlated with the Extraverted trait, so it makes sense that Extraverted personalities are far more likely than Introverted ones to consider themselves influential. Among those who consider themselves most influential are Commanders (ENTJs), Executives (ESTJs), and Entrepreneurs (ESTPs).

Influencers must also feel at ease speaking in front of a large audience, something that tends to come more naturally to Extraverted types than Introverted ones. The personalities that say they’re most comfortable speaking in front of a crowd are Debaters (ENTPs), Commanders, and Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are also the type most likely to say they prefer speaking in front of strangers (of which there are many on the internet – along with some bots, of course).

Social Media Savvy

Given that the influencers of today rely on social media to get their messages out, it’s no surprise that they must be social media savvy. Influencers should know the latest social media trends while also understanding how to blaze their own trail and start new trends of their own. And they learn all of this by being active users on social media platforms.

Of the 16 personalities, Entrepreneurs, Consuls (ESFJs), and Campaigners (ENFPs) are the most likely to say they log on to social media multiple times a day. But lurking quietly isn’t the same as sharing publicly, something that influencers must do. The personalities that are most likely to say they post publicly more than once a week include Entrepreneurs, Entertainers (ESFPs), and Campaigners.

Tolerant of Backlash and Rejection

Influential people have always had to deal with naysayers. But for influencers today, it can be difficult to escape the critics and online bullies as long as they have a phone beeping and buzzing with notifications. That’s why influencers must have a thick skin when it comes to backlash and rejection. This is often less of an issue for Assertive personalities, who tend to have the confidence to weather being knocked down in messages or comment sections. Unlike Turbulent personalities, Assertive types say they’re more likely to try something again after being rejected rather than throw in the towel – a helpful approach when “cancel culture” strikes.

Some personalities take it a step further by asking for constructive criticism. This is most true for Commanders, Debaters, and Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are also the most likely type to say they apply suggestions from the feedback that they receive – a critical move for influencers who don’t want to alienate their fan base after making a mistake.

Ready for Fame

With the internet and social media, anyone can have 15 minutes of fame. For successful influencers, that 15 minutes can last longer and lead to a full-fledged career in the public eye. To survive, or better yet thrive, as an influencer, it’s essential to be open to the pursuit of fame (and fortune – more on that in the next section). After all, influencers are the face of their own brand, and in most cases, their photos, videos, and blog content will center on them and their lives.

Extraverted personalities are more likely than others to say they would be excited if they became famous, with Entrepreneurs, Entertainers, and Debaters leading the bunch. Similarly, Extraverts are more likely to say they’d be willing to sacrifice some privacy for fame, compared to Introverts. Commanders, Entrepreneurs, and Executives are the most willing types to give up privacy.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

For people looking to become full-time influencers, a business mindset is a must. Being an influencer can be a legitimate way to earn money – as long as they want to. Personalities with the Thinking trait, including Entrepreneurs, Commanders, and Debaters, are the least likely to say it’s wrong to monetize influence. Compared to their Feeling counterparts, these types may be more comfortable turning their influence into a money-making venture.

Influencers must also be willing to earn money in nontraditional ways. The digital landscape is always changing, and people at the forefront of influence must be able to keep up. It helps to be skilled at spotting opportunities, a hallmark of the Prospecting trait.

Conclusion: So, Who Makes the Best Influencers?

As we mentioned earlier, anyone can be influential, whether to those in their immediate circle or to an audience of millions. But as the term “influencer” has taken on a whole new meaning with today’s social media influencers, some personality types may have an advantage.

Of all the personalities, Entrepreneurs, and especially Assertive Entrepreneurs, seem to have most of the characteristics needed to succeed as influencers. Assertive Debaters may also find that influencing others comes naturally.

If there’s one thing that the internet has taught us, though, it’s that the world is full of diverse voices, opinions, and perspectives. Whether sharing an experience as a neurodivergent individual or soothing others to sleep as an ASMRtist, even the quietest, most unassuming influence matters to someone, somewhere.

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